Events, festivals, workshops, and public assemblies in July, September, and November 2024 in Berlin-Mitte

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︎ What is Counter-mapping Berlin?
︎ July 1st: Public Assembly 
︎ July 12-14: Mapping to connection
︎ Registration & How to find us
︎ Accessibility & Funding

This year marks the 140th anniversary of the Berlin Conference whose echoes of domination and separation continue to reverberate through our bodies, institutions, and relationships. Contrary to colonialist mapping and division, the project proposes counter-mapping – collective, artistic mapping – as resistance against dominant spatial practices. 

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Counter-mapping Berlin:

Mapping to Connection / Experimentelle Stadtentwürfe nach der Berliner Konferenz

An Amo Collective project

This year marks the 140th anniversary of the Berlin Conference whose echoes of domination and separation continue to reverberate through our bodies, institutions, and relationships. Contrary to colonialist mapping and division, the project proposes counter-mapping – collective, artistic mapping – as resistance against dominant spatial practices. We investigate how these historical events continue to shape urban practices and communal life today, and ask: How can we counteract the resulting forms of discrimination in our postcolonial present? What decolonial futures can we envision for our neighborhoods?

Through sound, dance, poetry, performance, decolonial storytelling and collective mapping we nurture a process that rethinks and practices sustainable, equitable relationships among decolonial initiatives. Counter-Mapping Berlin features workshops, artistic events, and a collaborative exhibition, creating an open cultural and arts space for collaboration. Kiosk Batakari, a pop-up pavilion in the backyards of Anthon-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße, will serve as a hub for critical cartographic practice and networking.

Our vision for Berlin's future is to transcend the dominant spatial practices and social divisions which are directly tied to its history. Through collective artistic counter-mapping practices, we strive to develop a decolonial, anti-discriminatory perspective in collaboration with the urban community and beyond.

In the context of the project, we are organising the “Counter-mapping Days” in July and the “Poetic Cartography Days” in November.

We also invite you to a public assembly – a moment to share, discuss and participate in our work-in-progress.

Counter-mapping Days : Public Assembly
Monday, 1 July, 18:00-20:00

The Amo Collective Berlin is delighted to invite you to our Public Assembly on Monday, July 1st, at 6.00 p.m! Join us at the Amo Salon and Garden at the Humboldt University's Institute for European Ethnology for an evening of sharing our ongoing work on the project.

In this public gathering, we invite you to take a look at the process and methods of our work, as we want to hear from you in a space of warm gathering and lively exchange. We appreciate your interest in participating!

Detailed program HERE

Counter-mapping Days Berlin: Mapping to connection

Friday 12.07.2024 till Sunday, 14.07.2024

Come join us for three days of workshops and exchange, using movement, sound, taste and touch as wayfinding tools.

Detailed program HERE


Space is limited! Click on the registration form to sign up for the workshops.

How to find us:
The Amo Salon is located at
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 40/41 (formerly M-Straße)
10117 Berlin

The closest subway stations are:
U Stadtmitte (200m)
U Hausvogteiplatz (210m)

The station Stadtmitte has an elevator to the sidewalk, but you have to cross a small street with to get to the main sidewalk.

The closest bus stops are Jerusalemer Straße (350m) and Werderscher Markt (450m).

The sidewalks of Anton-Wilmelm-Amo Straße (formerly M-Straße) have a smooth pavement. There are curb cuts on the crossing Anton-Wilmelm-Amo Straße and Markgrafenstraße.

The space is on the ground floor and can be entered via a provided mobile ramp. The door of our space does not open automatically, but the door will either be wide open, or someone will be there to open it for you. Straight on, there is another door leading to the backyard which will also be wide open or opened for you.


Most of the event will take place outside in the backyard which has pavement which is in some parts not smooth but bumpy.

Inside, we have a low-sensory space with different spaces to sit or lie down. Movement, stimming, taking breaks etc. are welcome there, but no chatting or louder noises.

Chairs with backs are available. We have space to store walkers, canes etc.

Guide and assistance dogs are welcome at our space.

We have a wheelchair accessible bathroom. The bathroom has a toilet with handles and a low sink. There is a bin and disinfectant wipes. The bathroom is gender neutral.

For this event, there are no ASL or DGS interpreters available.

If you wish to visit our space and/or have further access needs, please write us an email. Tell us what you need to participate. We wish to reduce barriers! Our email address is:


This project is possible thanks to the great support of: